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Aegis is a free massive multiplayer strategy game, if you want to see what it is all about click here
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If you go to the 'Score' menu you will be able to see all the players in the game listed by networth. One of the main objectives is to become the largest networth holder in the game. This is done by growing your province and increasing your resources. At any point, a player who is listed as the number one EMP player can opt to become emperor. Becoming emperor is essentially the one of the more important goals of this game.
To become emperor a player must have the top 'EMP' (emperor) score and have a royal palace built. If these two conditions are met, the player is named emperor and ruler of AEGIS. A player can choose to build a royal palace at any time as long as there is no ruling emperor, but can only become emperor if he/she attains the number one 'EMP' score position. If a player becomes emperor, all other players who own a royal palace, or are in the process of planning one, lose theirs.
If an emperor is reset his 'EMP' (emperor) score will be entered in the emperor hall of fame which will be seen by all at the bottom of the main log in screen. The emperor score can also be seen at any time on the 'SCORE' menu in the 'EMP' column; past emperors can also be viewed in the same menu under the 'EMP' tab.
The naming of an emperor starts a new age which is displayed in the main menu page. Thus a player named 'Denthris' would be named Emperor Denthris of the age of Denthris. When a new emperor rises to power, the 'Denthris' age will finish and a new age will begin.
The emperor hall of fame is never deleted. New emperors are added to the list with the highest scores listed first. Only the first 4 emperors on the list are displayed on the login page, but a full list can be seen in the 'SCORES' menu under the 'EMP" tab.
If an emperor is reset, he is removed from the game and his game account is deleted. The player may then choose to start a new game from zero networth by logging in again with the same player name and account, this would be called a 'RE-PLAY'.
An emperor will receive a special volunteer unit called "IMPERIAL GUARDS'. This unit is exceptional by general troop standards and offers the emperor an edge over other provinces. Players who re-play get to keep this special volunteer unit.
An emperor can only be attacked directly if he is an independent (has no kingdom) or is the last member of a kingdom. As long as an emperor remains in a kingdom which has active members, he will be immune from attack. Additionally, emperors can never be spied or path attacked.
An emperor will expect the whole continent to succumb under his rule ethos and edicts. These will be heavily influenced by the path the current emperor follows and will give a reasonable advantage to all players who follow this same path, whilst hindering all others. The crowning of an emperor rarely brings peace and the winds of change always blow upon the crowning of a great one. Below you may see a table of major influences and changes brought about when a new emperor is crowned. Effects are immediate and last till the emperor is reset.
Warlock Battle Mage x4 influx.
Azure Drakes x4 influx.
Musketeer troop type banned.
Siege Cannon Mortars zero influx. Stored Cannon Mortars lost.
Grenadiers zero influx.
Paladin Faith Keeper troop type banned.
Zealot troop type banned.
Holy Avenger zero influx.
Musketeer troop type train 50% faster.
Grenadiers x4 influx.
Troll warrior troop type banned.
Warlock Battle Mage zero influx.
Goblin raider troop type banned.
Paladin Faith Keeper troop type banned.
Zealot troop type banned.
Holy Avenger zero influx.
Paladin Faith Keeper troop type train 60% faster.
Holy Avengers x4 influx.
Troll warrior troop type banned.
Warlock Battle Mage zero influx.
Goblin raider troop type banned.
Musketeer troop type banned.
Siege Cannon Mortars zero influx. Stored Cannon Mortars lost.
Grenadiers zero influx.


- You cannot take a turn until you rid yourself of all your banned troop types.
- Banned troop types cannot attack.
- Auto destroys all stored mortars when a religious or magus emperor is crowned.
- Pathless players may not build an 'EMPEROR'S PALACE'.
- An emperor may not go into hibernation.