

Trade and the Auction

There are multiple ways beyond stealing from your enemy to pass resources between each other; they come in the forms of Trading and the Auction house.

Trading allows you to spend Caravans that accumulate every turn. While the Auction allows you to bid gold on resources that are up for sale.


Caravans can only hold a varying amount of resources; you can trade HERE.

Simply type the name of the person, whether they're in your KD or elsewhere on the server, and the amount you wish to send.

Thankfully, there are Plans in which you can complete to help with the amount each caravan can hold, ending up with three different levels.

Trade Plans

Trading outside of your Kingdom takes up 10 times more caravans

Trade Capitol allows you to send the following per 1 Caravan

50000 Gold
100 Wood
100 Stone
30000 Food
200 Textiles

Trade Centre allows you to send the following per 1 Caravan

10000 Gold
40 Wood
40 Stone
10000 food
50 Textiles

Without any Planned upgrades you're able to send the following per 1 Caravan

500 Gold
5 Wood
5 Stone
500 Food
10 Textiles


The rules of the auction house are straightforward. You may trade basic resources such as wood, textiles, stone and food in exchange for gold. You may put up wares for bid, or you may bid on existing trades. There is a list of available trades. You can participate and try to win any of them by simply bidding over the current high bid.

When you top a bid, your name will appear beside the bid meaning that you are the current high bidder. Each trade has an expiration time shown in MINUTES left telling when the trade closes. If you are the high bidder at trade close, then you win the trade and will be given the goods.

Auction Rules

There are a number of rules that can be found on the Auction House page in relation to Auction, but they are as follows;

  • Money laid on bids is removed from your account and held till bid ends or you are over bid.
  • Market Tax removes 2% gold on all closed trades.
  • Market removes 5% resources on a no sale, on account of storage fee.
  • Max bid is 100 gold per resource unit. First 100:1 bid ensures win of trade.
  • You can only offer a maximum of stock equal to your land size x2 per day.
  • Provinces with same IP count as one entity.
  • New bids over 1000 gold can only bid a max 10% over current bid value.
  • You are only allowed a maximum of 10 trades at any given time.
  • Players use auction at their own risk and must understand there is no guarantee or refund.
  • Trades can occasionally be lost or misplaced by market, in which case the player must cover full loss.

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